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Social-Belonging for College Students FAQ's
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Cost and Eligibility
How much does Social-Belonging for College Students cost?
Does my college qualify for Social-Belonging for College Students?
Can my international school participate in Social-Belonging for College Students?
Can we administer Social-Belonging for College Students to students at two-year or community colleges?
Can we administer Social-Belonging for College Students to students at women’s or men’s colleges (i.e. colleges that are not co-ed)?
Can we administer Social-Belonging for College Students to 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year students at my college?
Is there a minimum or maximum number of students that must participate in Social-Belonging for College Students?
Do we need IRB approval to participate in Social-Belonging for College Students?
Can I implement both Social-Belonging and Growth Mindset for College Students?